The “vermi” or earthworms are important in enriching the soil with organic matter which comes from biodegradable materials such as dead plants and animals which the earthworms ingest. Besides this,there are other benefits from earthworms. The castings of earthworms also known as vermicompost is an excellent soil enhancer and bioactive high quality fertilizer for organic farming. This is a perfect alternative to using chemical fertilizers, and this has been proven in field tests. Earthworms can also be made into feed for fish and other domesticated animals called vermimeal.
Advantages of Vermicomposting
* Environment friendly since earthworms feed on anything that is biodegradable, vermicomposting then partially aids in the garbage disposal problems.
* No imported inputs required worms are now locally available and the materials for feeding are abundant in the locality as market wastes, grasses, used papers and farm wastes.
* Vermicompost is more effective as an organic fertilizer than ordinary compost
* Has auxin, a naturally occurring growth hormone
* Improves soil health
* No overdosage
* Turns trash to cash
* Highly profitable both the worms and castings are saleable
Market Potential
* World and local markets for vermicomposting are big.
* World consumption of organically grown foods is estimated at US$ 100 billion per year.
* In 1993, the potential use of organic fertilizer covered 2.5 million hectares in the Philippines.
* The demand for organic fertilizer in 1993 was 6.25 billion bags (50 kg/bag) compared to actual consumption of only 62,000 metric tons.
For more inquiries:
Mr. Tony De Castro
AANI Seminar Center, FTI Complex, Taguig City
(+63 02) 839-1772 / 839-1782 / 837-0023 / 837-0033
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Agri Business
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