An improved production technology is introduced to come up with instant dry soybean curd, superior in quality compared to the fresh form. The technology uses MgSO4, as coagulant which increase the yield of fresh soybean curd. The instant soybean curd has a good texture upon rehydration and its storage life is lengthened to 6 months from the 3 day-old fresh curd.
- Soybeans
- Water
- MgSO4
- Grinder
- Cheese cloth
- Mold
- Dryer
- Cooking vessel
1. Processed the soybean milk by soaking soybeans overnight. Washi, clean and blending it by grinding.
2. Add 12 liters of water to every kilo of soybeans. This mixture is cooked for 30 minutes with occasional stirring.
3. The puree is strained on cheesecloth to obtain the milk.
4. Boil the milk for 10 minutes, then cooled to 50 C.
5. A volume of 0.2% MgSO4 is added to promote curd formation for 20 minutes.
6. Curd is collected into cloth lined mold or press.
7. The curd is then cut into desired sizes, frozen, thawed and soaked briefly in sodium bicarbonate solution.
8. Finally, the soaked curd is pressed and dried in a solar dryer at 60 C.
- 1 cup soybeans
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
1. Soak the beans in water overnight. Change water several times and remove floating grains.
2. Wash, grind the soybeans. Add about 6 cups water for every cup of beans while grinding.
3. Boil the ground beans in water for ½ hour while stirring.
4. Strain in muslin cloth.
5. Mix in well a teaspoon of vinegar.
6. Wrap in cloth the curdled soybean.
7. Remove the express water by putting weight on top of it.
Taosi is salty fermented beans commonly used in food preparation or as condiment of Filipino dishes.
- Soybeans
- Salt
- Rice bran
- Wheat flour
- Water
- Aspergillus oryzae (mold)
- Cooking container
- Jar for fermentation
- Shallow bamboo basket (bistay)
1. The soybeans are washed in several changes of tap water and are soaked overnight. The soaked beans are washed and the water is drained out.
2. The beans are cooked by boiling in a suitable container until they are tender enough that they can easily be pressed between fingers.
3. The boiled beans are transferred into a shallow basket or (bistay) to drain the excess water and then subsequently cooled.
4. Beans are dried for 30 minutes under the sun or for one hour in the shade.
5. Cooked dried beans are coated with roasted wheat flour.
6. One teaspoon of a 3-day old rice bran culture of yellow-greenish mold known as aspergillus oryzae is introduced to the beans as seed. The mixture is mixed thoroughly.
7. The seeded are spread to a thickness of about 1-2 inches thick. Then cover with either cheesecloth or clean Manila paper and allow to stand for 3-4 days in a clean place till it is profusely covered with the mold growth.
8. The beans with molds are transferred into a jar containing salt solution and covered.
source: ncc.gov.ph
hi. i'm interested in making tokwa, tofu, taho, etc. can you help me?
Hello Cindy! Nice of you to drop by. Sure what would you like to know? I'll help you anyway I can.
can we make tofu with other type of white beans or is it just for soy beans? I'm in Africa and as of now i didnt find soy beans in the market, thanks
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