Monday, May 22, 2006

The advantages of Franchising as a way to grow your Business

a) Capital is always scarce in growing a business. In franchising the capital needed to expand the business is provided by the Franchisee. It is the classic case of using OPM, or other peoples money.

b) Trained, motivated management is part and parcel of franchising. It is difficult to find and keep good experienced managers, who are so necessary to grow a business. With franchisees, you have people who are well trained in the franchise systems and who are also very motivated because their capital is at risk.

c) Efficient- Profitable, Franchise units tend to be better run, therefore more efficient and profitable than company owned units, for the simple reason that the Franchisees capital is at risk and they tend to be very motivated.

d) Rapid Expansion- Today's marketplace changes very quickly, often if you don't move quickly on expanding a concept, someone else will. The window of opportunity will close, and you just miss it. There is no other way to grow as rapidly as franchising allows.

e) Achieve optimum size- maximum profits are realized by getting very large. Because there are few impediments to growth through franchising, it offers the opportunity to have 1000's of units through out the world, and no other business expansion model can offer that.

f) Great buying power- The large number of units allowed by franchising enables the company to buy for the entire system and at great savings to the individual franchisees. This greatly enhances profit margins and gives the franchisees a very strong advantage over all competitors.

g) Securing locations- As a franchising system grows it begins to take on an image in the marketplace of size and success. Landlords like to have well known, successful Franchises in their shopping centers. It's simply much easier to secure great locations as a franchisor than it would be for a non-franchise business.

h) Market Dominance- Because franchises tend to grow rapidly, they tend to locate many units in a given market and essentially squeeze out the compet1t1on. A franchise can do extensive advertising in a given market because the cost are spread among many units. This combination of having many high profile locations with large advertising budgets is a compet1t1ve advantage that can't be overcome.

i) Development of advertising materials- Most franchisors require that the franchisees pay an ad royalty to the company. These monies are pooled to make top quality advertising materials for the franchisees. Again it's the advantage of spreading cost over a large number of franchisees, so that everyone benefits.

j) Maximum income- Franchises make money in a number of ways such as the following:
- Franchise fee
- Franchise royalties
- Equipment sales
- Supplies, materials sales
- Sales of Services
- Property Rental
- Rebates from vendors of equipment and supplies.

All these income streams from large numbers of franchisees equals big money.

k) Get super rich- Franchise companies are high profile, grow quickly, and have the potential to get very large. These qualities make Franchise Companies very good candidates for being bought by a large conglomerate and for going public. Either of these two possibilities can yield millions of dollars to the owners of the franchise company.

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